our mission
(click here for an audio version of the visuals in this video)
our mission: you are loved.
arhome stands for personalized, relationship-based customer service.
Our #1 goal is for everyone who walks through our doors to feel cared for, supported, and to receive personalized service uniquely tailored to your needs. To us, every relationship is a personal one.
we work hard to bring the personal touch back to a tech-driven market.
It's been our standard since day one: every agent, every client, is known personally, supported, taken care of and - at the end of the day - loved. Every question answered personally, every agent at our office known personally by the leadership with direct access to top industry sales masters and attorneys. Your phone calls get answered by real people who really know how to help you. Your emails don't get lost. You're cared for and supported, no matter what the world brings our way.
we understand that every person is unique and deserves a personalized plan.
At arhome, we specialize in customizing our agent and client marketing plans, to ensure you're never paying for something that isn't going to specifically benefit you. You are unique, and that's what makes you successful. We embrace that reality and give you the best personalized service possible.